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Web3 Security Posture: Best Practices for Developers & Degens

This presentation covers the essential topics of web3 security as it relates to both the user and the infrastructure of a developed ecosystem. Best practices will be discussed, focusing on key security, project vetting, tokenomics, smart contract risk, HTS risk, and some basic concepts in DeFi. The perspective of this presentation is from that of the end user and is meant to provide a way to navigate the burgeoning world of web3 on Hedera and beyond.
Matthew Smithies

Matthew Smithies

Level 42 Degenerate Mage (CTO) at DOVU

Matthew is a force of nature, he is everywhere but nowhere — blink and you'll miss him, his pet gnome whispers the secrets of the universe into his ear. Matt is uncomfortable talking to the third person. But apparently folks like Matt in the Hedera ecosystem, something about being inspirational.